On May 12th, Nonpoint brought the Million Watts Tour to Hooligans in Jacksonville, NC. personally, a million watts wasn't the right name for the tour. More like a billion watts. Nonpoint brings it every time! But, before they took the stage, the first band to take the stage was local favorites Mortal After All and they came in hot! From the start to the end, it was constant in your face music. Then, when they finished their set, Dropout Kings took the stage. And they set the bar very high! The energy these guys have is hard to explain. This was my first time seeing them perform live and it will definitely not be the last. Adam and Eddie aka Black Cat Bill were at 100 the entire show! And they didn't stay on the stage much, going into the crowd and mosh pit often during their set. They are definitely a band for the people and love being in the crowd performing their songs. Even some concert-goers got to sing the lyrics with Adam and Eddie when they handed them the mic. The energy from Dropout Kings was infectious and just made the packed house amped up for who was next, (hed) PE! I have seen (hed) PE a ton of times by now, and their shows never are the same and are always a good time! They played the hits along with some new songs. They brought the SoCal vibe with them and were amazing from the opening song to the last. The crowd sang every word and gave so much love to the band! (hed) PE comes to Hooligans frequently and they always bring a crowd with them. Then, the moment everyone waited for, Nonpoint was taking the stage! This has to be my 11th or 12th time seeing Nonpoint live and their shows never get old! They bring the energy and they do not let up the entire show. From opening with Breaking Skin to closing with Bullet with a Name, the crowd sang, and head banged to every song! We even got a treat to hear Underdog, the new single for the next album coming out...and what a banger it is! Nonpoint gives you 110% no matter if it's the first stop on the tour or the last stop. That's what I really love about this band. They really do give their fans everything on stage. You never feel like you were jipped. If you can ever see them live, do it! I promise, you will be hooked! 

James Benson